Youth Patch Program
The future for those desiring employment in health care has never looked brighter! Kansas youth can earn a “Health Care Careers Exploration Patch” for improving awareness and learning information about health care careers.
The patch is approximately 3 inches in diameter, multicolored and shows your interest in personal health, wellness and health care.
How it Works!
Complete a minimum of four (age 5-8) or six (age 9-17) of the activities on the program forms below. Ask your group leader to verify completion of your activities and either fax or mail your name or the names of all individuals earning the patch, along with her or his name and address to:

Kansas Hospital Association
215 S.E. Eighth Ave.
Topeka, KS 66601-2308
Fax: (785) 233-6955
We will then mail you the patches your group has earned at no cost to you! Please be aware that the Kansas Hospital Association will provide patches for Kansas youth only.
The future for those desiring employment in health care has never looked brighter! Health care professionals use their intelligence, skills and compassion to make a difference in people’s lives. Completing this project will increase your knowledge of the variety of career opportunities available in health care and will increase your awareness of the growing need for health care professionals. Books, magazines, videos, Internet sites, health care professionals, health care schools and organizations are available as resources for this project.
Congratulations and Best Wishes on Your Career Choice!