Scholarships Search Results

drawn people of multiple ethnicities celebrating

We found 9 scholarships that might be a good fit.

Review each scholarship below to learn more or Explore All Scholarships

Health Care Apprenticeship

Who Can Apply:

Existing staff of a health care facility or someone wanting to pursue a health care career


Existing health care facility staff looking to become upskilled or pursue a new health care career, or someone looking to start their health care career via an apprenticeship model.

Scholarship Amount:

Can cover cost of education and a wage on a per employer basis.
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Rural Opportunity Zone Program

Who Can Apply:

Anyone who moves to one of Kansas's eligible 95 counties that comes from out of state.


Person who has lived outside of Kansas for 5+ years before establishing residence in a Kansas Rural Opportunity Zone County and have not earned more than $10,000 in Kansas source income in any one year prior.

Scholarship Amount:

Up to $15,000 in student loan repayment assistance OR a 100% state income tax credit
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Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program

Who Can Apply:

Employee of a government or not-for-profit organization


Employee that has student loans and has made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a repayment plan while working for an eligible government or not-for-profit employer.

Scholarship Amount:

Government forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans.
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Kansas Career Technical Workforce Grant

Who Can Apply:

Kansas residents who have a Kansas high school diploma and are enrolled in a health care program


Kansas resident with a Kansas high school diploma and enrolled in an eligible CTE program

Scholarship Amount:

Maximum of $1,000 per year
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Kansas Promise Act

Who Can Apply:

Students attending a Kansas community college or technical college and enrolled in a health care field of study


Enrolled in a health care program at a Kansas community or technical college

Scholarship Amount:

Up to $20,000
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Kansas Ethnic Minority Scholarship

Who Can Apply:

High school seniors entering their first year of college in Kansas. Academically competitive students who are: African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, or Hispanic.


One of the following: ACT score of at least 21, GPA of 3.00 or above, high school rank in the upper 33%, completion of the Kansas Scholars Curriculum, National Merit Corporation selection, or selection by College Board as a Hispanic Scholar

Scholarship Amount:

Up to $1,850 annually for up to 4 consecutive years
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Kansas Comprehensive Grant

Who Can Apply:

Students with financial need that complete the FAFSA


Kansas residents enrolled full-time at any college/university in Kansas

Scholarship Amount:

$100-$4000 if attending a public college or $200-$10,000 if attending a private college.
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Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Who Can Apply:

Students that have financial need


Depends on your Expected Family Contribution, your year in school, your enrollment status, and the cost of attendance at the school you will be attending.

Scholarship Amount:

The financial aid office at your college or career school will determine how much financial aid you are eligible to receive.
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Excel in Career Technical Education Initiative

Who Can Apply:

Kansas High School Students


Any high school student who takes approved technical courses offered by Kansas tech and community colleges

Scholarship Amount:

State of Kansas pays for all costs of tuition for those classes. Students pay nothing.
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